YOSUN Organization
Organizational Structure with Specialization, Job Division and High Efficiency
Yosun's organizational structure emphasizes in specialization and job division. Based on the marketing requirements for various brands and products, independent teams are utilized to achieve effective and efficient management. Professional product managers, sales elites and applications engineers are combined to provide highly effective operations and high quality client service. In order to reduce product lead-time, a strong R&D staff develops new products using the principle of “Total Solutions” to achieve maximum added value.
Real-time and effective service is the core value of a marketing channel. To achieve this objective, Yosun has been relentlessly increasing its number of warehouses in order to reduce the distance between us and our clients. A highly efficient MIS, storage and transportation team integrates information services and on the ground logistic operations to provide optimized services to our clients. Moreover, in order to satisfy the particular needs of strategic clients, single contact/communication windows are provided to increase efficiency and raise competitiveness.
Brand Marketing
Brand-specific sales, marketing, and technical support task forces ensure the most suitable strategy formulation and execution. |
Specialty Task Forces
Independent specialty task force teams are responsible for different product application fields. |
Single Contact Window
Designated contact windows for strategic clients to provide effective and efficient service. |
Efficient Logistic Support
Fully Integrated MIS and Logistics management system provides efficient and effective logistics management. |
Professional R&D department provides comprehensive product marketing solutions to reduce product development lead-time. |