Announced changes in the members of the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee
1.Date of occurrence of the change:2017/06/19
2.Name of the functional committees:
The Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee
3.Name and resume of the replaced member:
Rong-Ruey Duh:Professor of Accounting of National Taiwan University
Jack J. T. Huang:Partner of Jones Day Taipei
Yung-Hong Yu:President of AID Management Consulting
4.Name and resume of the new member:
Rong-Ruey Duh:Professor of Accounting of National Taiwan University
Jack J. T. Huang:Partner of Jones Day Taipei
Yung-Hong Yu:President of AID Management Consulting
5.Type of the change (please enter: “resignation”, “discharge”,
“tenure expired” , “death” or “new appointment”):tenure expired
6.Reason of the change:Upon the current term of independent directors expired
on June 17,2017, the 5th term has been elected at 2017 AGM.
The Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee sall be composed entirely of
independent directors. Independent director Rong-Ruey Duh was re-elected as
the chair of Audit Committee, Independent director Yung-Hong Yu was
re-elected as the chair of Remuneration Committee.
7.Original term (from __________ to __________):2014/06/18~2017/06/17
8.Effective date of the new member:2017/06/19
9.Any other matters that need to be specified:None