Announces the important resolutions of 2017 annual shareholders' meeting
1.Date of the shareholders' meeting:2017/06/19
2.Important resolutions (1)profit distribution/deficit
Approved the proposal for distribution of 2016 profits:cash dividend NT$2.4
per share.
(votes in favor:1,353,091,708 votes, votes against:7,263 votes,
abstained/no:174,636,182 votes, votes invalid:0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 88.57% of the total shares present, the proposal
was accepted as submitted.)
3.Important resolutions (2)amendments of thecoporat charter:N/A
4.Important resolutions (3)business report and financial
Approved 2016 Business Report and Financial Statements
(votes in favor:1,347,667,146 votes, votes against:802,263 votes,
abstained/no:179,060,509 votes, votes invalid:0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 88.23% of the total shares present, the proposal
was accepted as submitted.)
5.Important resolutions (4)elections of board of directors and
Upon the term of the 4th Board of Directors expired, the 5th term with 11
directors(including 3 independent directors) has been elected.
The following are re-election results:
Simon Huang(votes received:1,157,775,858 shares)
K.D. Tseng(votes received:1,070,805,555 shares)
T.L. Lin(votes received:1,063,408,570 shares)
Mike Chang(votes received:1,048,976,559 shares)
K.Y. Chen(votes received:1,015,505,615 shares)
Frank Yeh(votes received:1,027,425,369 shares)
Fullerton Technology Co., Ltd.(Representative:Richard Wu)(votes received:
Henry Shaw(votes received:989,825,193 shares)
Independent Directors:
Rong-Ruey Duh(votes received:846,933,075 shares)
Jack J. T. Huang(votes received:855,745,614 shares)
Yung-Hong Yu(votes received:842,545,213 shares)
6.Important resolutions (5)other proposals:
(1)Approved the revision of the Procedures for Acquisition or Disposal of
(votes in favor:1,322,999,747 votes, votes against:7,264 votes,
abstained/no:204,743,142 votes, votes invalid:0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 86.60% of the total shares present, the proposal
was accepted as submitted.)
(2)Approved releasing Directors from non-competition restrictions
Director:T.L. Lin
(votes in favor:1,196,917,187 votes, votes against:968,259 votes,
abstained/no:304,913,000 votes, votes invalid:0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 79.65% of the total shares present)
Director:K.Y. Chen
(votes in favor:1,216,852,961 votes, votes against:968,477 votes,
abstained/no:304,912,782 votes, votes invalid:0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 79.91% of the total shares present)
Director:Simon Huang
(votes in favor:1,171,613,372 votes, votes against:4,711,477 votes,
abstained/no:304,912,796 votes, votes invalid:0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 79.10% of the total shares present)
Director:K.D. Tseng
(votes in favor:1,211,374,881 votes, votes against:968,478 votes,
abstained/no:304,912,794 votes, votes invalid:0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 79.84% of the total shares present)
(the proposal was accepted as submitted.)
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None