Announces the important resolutions of 2016 annual shareholders' meeting
1.Date of the shareholders' meeting:2016/06/22
2.Important resolutions (1)profit distribution/deficit
Approved the proposal for distribution of 2015 profits:
cash dividend NT$2.4 per share.
(votes in favor:980,791,171 votes, votes against:90,529 votes,
abstained/no:176,402,553 votes, votes invalid:0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 84.75% of the total Shares present)
3.Important resolutions (2)amendments of thecoporat charter:
Approved the amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
(votes in favor:980,806,026 votes, votes against:73,277 votes,
abstained/no:176,385,950 votes, votes invalid:0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 84.75% of the total Shares present)
4.Important resolutions (3)business report and financial
Approved 2015 Business Report and Financial Statements
(votes in favor:976,608,090 votes, votes against:70,529 votes,
abstained/no:180,605,634 votes, votes invalid:0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 84.39% of the total Shares present)
5.Important resolutions (4)elections of board of directors and
6.Important resolutions (5)other proposals:N/A
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None