Announces WPG Board of Directors approved 2015 employees' and directors' compensation
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2016/04/26
2.Company name:WPG Holdings Limited
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or
”subsidiaries”):head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:N/A
5.Name of the reporting media:N/A
6.Content of the report:N/A
7.Cause of occurrence:
(1)Pursuant to Order No.1050001900 of Financial Supervisory Commission dated
January 30, 2016
(2)2015 directors' compensation is NT$30,000,000.
(3)2015 employees' compensation is NT$12,237,525.
(4)The aforementioned compensation will be distributed in the form of cash
(5)Employees' compensation approved by BOD is NT$8,654,365 lower than
accrued amount in 2015. The difference was the change in estimates, and will
adjusted in 2016.
9.Any other matters that need to be specified:None