Announces the important resolutions of 2015 annual shareholders' meeting
1.Date of the shareholders' meeting:2015/06/24
2.Important resolutions:
I.Approved 2014 Business Report and Financial Statements
(votes in favor: 973,343,238 votes, votes against: 22,148 votes,
abstained/no: 208,457,100 votes, votes invalid: 0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 82.36% of the total Shares present)
II.Approved the proposal for distribution of 2014 profits:
cash dividend NT$2.5 per share.
(votes in favor: 975,746,818 votes, votes against: 35,148 votes,
abstained/no: 206,040,520 votes, votes invalid: 0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 82.56% of the total Shares present)
III.Approved Releasing Directors from Non-compete restriction
Director: Henry Shaw
(votes in favor: 939,179,041 votes, votes against: 79,278 votes,
abstained/no: 242,340,549 votes, votes invalid: 0 vote.
Votes in favor accounts for 79.48% of the total Shares present)
3.Endorsement of the annual financial statements
(indicate “yes” or “no”):yes
4.Any other matters that need to be specified:None