WPG Board of Directors resolved to convene the 2015 Annual Shareholders' Meeting
1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2015/03/30 2.Date for convening the shareholders' meeting:2015/06/24 3.Location for convening the shareholders' meeting: B1, No.76, Sec. 1, Chenggong Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 4.Cause or subjects for convening the meeting: I.Report Items (1)To report the business of 2014 (2)Audit Committee's review report (3)To report the issuance of 1st Domestic Unsecured Convertible Corporate Bond II.Proposed Resolutions (1)To accept 2014 Business Report and Financial Statements (2)To approve the proposal for distribution of 2014 profits III.Discussion Matters (1)To release Directors from non-competition restrictions. VI.Other Proposals and Special Motions 5.Book closure starting date:2015/04/26 6.Book closure ending date:2015/06/24 7.Any other matters that need to be specified: I.Shareholders' Meeting Time:9:00a.m., Wed., June 24, 2015 II.The cpmpany will announce the proposal for distribution of 2014 profits before April 30. III.A meeting notice will be posted to each shareholder 30 days prior to the date of the Meeting. Any shareholder who does not receive the meeting notice may contact the Transfer Agency Department of Capital Securities Corp. A meeting notice may be given in the form of a public announcement to shareholders holding less than 1,000 shares of nominal stocks in accordance with Securities and Exchange Act. IV.Pursuant to Article 172-1 of the Company Law, shareholders holding at least 1% of the outstanding shares of WPG are eligible to submit shareholder proposals. Each qualified shareholder can submit one proposal. Only one matter and less than 300 words shall be allowed in each single proposal. In case a proposal contains more than one matter or containing more than 300 words, such proposal shall not be included in the agenda. The submission period of proposals will start from April 17, 2015 to 17:00 p.m. April 27, 2015. All submissions must be addressed in writing to WPG Holdings Limited (10F, 97, TunHuaS.Rd., Sec.2, Taipei 106, Taiwan, R.O.C.). TEL No.:(02)27068268. (The wording [Shareholders' Meeting Proposal] should be noted on the outer envelope and timely submissions shall be determined according to the time of receiving the mail) V.The closure period for the 1st. issue of Domestic Unsecured Convertible Corporate Bond is from 2015/04/26 to 2015/06/24. VI.Shareholders may exercise their voting rights through the STOCKVOTE platform of Taiwan Securities Central Depository Co., Ltd. (http://www.stockvote.com.tw) during the period from May 25, 2015 to June 21, 2015.