Announces the change of Chief Logistics Officer
1.Type of personnel changed (please enter: spokesperson, acting
spokesperson, important personnel(CEO, COO, CMO,
CSO, etc.),financial officer, accounting officer, research and
development officer, or internal audit officer):CLO
2.Date of occurrence of the change:2017/09/05
3.Name, title, and resume of the replaced person:
Cooper Hsieh, Vice President of WPG Holdings Limited
4.Name, title, and resume of the replacement:
Frank Yeh, Chief Executive Officer of WPG Holdings Limited
5.Type of the change (please enter: “resignation”, “position
adjustment”, “dismissal”, “retirement”, “death” or “new
replacement” ):retirement
6.Reason for the change:Chief Logistics Officer Cooper Hsieh leaves the job
for retirement, Chief Executive Officer of WPG Holdings Limited Frank Yeh
will take over the job according to corporate governance of the Company.
7.Effective date:2017/09/06
8.Any other matters that need to be specified:None