Announce decrease in the number of subsidiaries
1.Passed by resolution of the board of directors or shareholders' meeting
(please enter: ”board of directors” or ”shareholders' meeting” ):N/A
2.Date of the resolution:2016/07/29
3.Reason for the resolution to increase the number of held companies, and
names, industries, and shareholding ratios of the held companies:N/A
4.Reason for the resolution to decrease the number of held companies, and
names, industries, and shareholding ratios of the held companies:
streamline organizational structure、
Hubei Xinsheng Technology Investment and Magagement Co., Ltd、
sales of electronic products and peripherals、83.33%
5.Number of held companies as of the current date:89
6.Any other matters that need to be specified:Date of the resolution is the
date of signing share transfer agreement. Effective Date is 2016/08/01